Below is a list of Apex fees clients may incur depending on your account preferences and the actions you take.
Lots of stuff at Stockpile is absolutely free!
Redeeming a gift card is free
Switching to another stock when you redeem is free
Linking your bank account is free
Incoming cash transfers (ACH) are free
Incoming cash transfers (wires) are free
Incoming account transfers (from another brokerage) are free
Outgoing cash transfers (ACH) are free
Electronic statements trade confirms, 1099s are free
Account Fees
Minimum balance requirement -None
Subscription fees -$4.95/month
Electronic statements, trade confirms, tax forms - Free
Paper Delivery
Paper trade confirms - $2 per confirm
Paper statements (monthly and quarterly) - $5 per statement
Incoming account transfers (from another brokerage) - Free
Escheatment Processing - $75
Transfer on Death Account Transfer Free
Bank Transfers:
Bank Transfer (ACH) Incoming/Outgoing – $0/$0
Failed Bank (ACH) Transfers – $30 per failed transaction
ACH Notice of Correction (NOC) Fee – $5 per notice
ACAT (Automated Customer Account Transfer):
ACAT Outgoing (Transferring to another brokerage) – $75 per account
ACAT Incoming (Transferring to Stockpile)– $0
Other Fees:
Outgoing cash (domestic wire) - $25
Wire amendment/repair - $30
Paper checks - $5
Old statements/confirms - ¢1/page ($30 min)
Overnight courier (domestic) - $50
Voluntary/post actionable reorg - $50 per CUSIP
*Convenience fees may apply at the card level. These convenience fees are not Stockpile fees.